Page 5 - Bullion World Volume 4 Issue 2 February 2024
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Bullion World | Volume 4 | Issue 2 | February 2024

                                                               Looking at the global perspective, according to the
                                                               Silver  Institute  forecast,  silver  demand  in  2024  is
             EDITORIAL                                         promising, expected to reach 1.2 billion ounces, the

                                                               second-highest level ever recorded. Silver industrial
                                                               fabrication is predicted to increase by 4% to a record
             India's  gold imports play a crucial role in the   690 million ounces (Moz), driven by the photovoltaics
             country's current account deficit (CAD), and in the   (P.V.)  and  automotive  industries.  Jewellery  demand
             period  from  April  to  December  2024,  they  saw  a   is anticipated to rise by 6%, with India contributing
             significant  increase  of  26.7%,  reaching  USD  35.95   significantly  to  these  gains.  However,  there  is  a
             billion. This marks a rise from the USD 28.4 billion   contrasting projection for silver physical investment,
             recorded during the same period the previous year.   which is expected to decrease by 6% to a four-year

             In  2023,  India  experienced  a  3%  decline  in  gold
             demand, totalling 747.5 tonnes, as reported by the   In  this  edition  of  Bullion  World,  we  have  special
             World Gold Council. However, there is optimism for   contributions  from  IBJA,  SBMA,  and  LBMA,
             the upcoming year, with expectations that demand   sharing  insights  about  their  upcoming  events
             could  reach  between  800  and  900  tonnes  if  gold   and  conferences.  Ms  Shelly  Ford  from  LBMA  will
             prices remain stable. The jewellery sector witnessed   guide  us  through  the  Good  Delivery  Rules,  and
             a  6%  decrease  in  demand,  dropping  to  562.3   we'll also learn about MMTC-PAMP and Hindustan
             tonnes  in  2023  from  600.6  tonnes  in  the  previous   Platinum, India's only LBMA accredited refiners. Mr.
             year.  Conversely,  total  gold  investment  demand   Premnath from FinMet will break down the details
             in the country grew by 7%, reaching 185.2 tonnes   of  silver  import  duties  for  value-added  products,
             compared to 173.6 tonnes in the previous year. Coin   while  Mr.  Alex  from  emew  corporation  discusses
             investment also rebounded, showing a 7% increase   the  recovery  of  precious  metals  from  E-waste.
             to  185  tonnes  year-on-year.  The  upcoming  March   Closing  this  edition,  Mr.  Bruce  Ikemizu  from  JBMA
             quarter  may  see  subdued  demand  due  to  fewer   gives  us  an  overview  of  Japan's  market,  followed
             auspicious wedding days, and higher prices have led   by an article on the gold income note by Mr. Heini.
             consumers  to  opt  for  lighter  or  lower-carat  items,
             with some reducing overall purchases.             Best wishes,
                                                               G Srivatsava

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